
Sample Code

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Call Initiation API

Click-to-Call Click-to-Find Me Click-to-Find Me List Click-to-Virtual Receptionist Click-to-Voice Mail Click-to-SurVo Click-to-IVR Click-to-Agent

Administration API


Click-to-Find Me

Initiate a call to a phone number and try to connect that call to an existing Find Me. If doing a reverse find me, will first try the list of phone numbers in the find me to connect with then upon success will initiate a call to a specific phone number. If you want to dynamically create the Find Me list of numbers use a Click-to-Find Me List.

key (required if not using access_key)
Value must be the Public key. Use 'key' if you need to make client side requests.
access_key (required if not using public key)
The Access key to be used if you need the higher level of security provided with the Secret Access key validation. Requests with Access Key must be done server side.
secret_access_key (required if using access_key)
The Secret Access key is used to validate the Access key.
app (required)
Value = ctf
phone_to_call (required)
Telephone number to call.
findme_id (required)
The ID of the Find Me Smart Form to use.
type (optional)
Choose to do a regular find me or reverse find me. Values: 1 - Regular Find Me ; 2- Reverse Find Me (default is regular find me)
no_answer_email (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define an email address to send an email to if no one on the phone list accepts the call. This email will include the phone_to_call along with the outcome of each attempt to the phone numbers on the list.
no_answer_sms (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define a phone number to receive an SMS message if no one on the phone list accepts the call. The text will say that the call was unsuccessful along with the phone_to_call. You must have at least one phone number registered for SMS to utilize this feature.
no_answer_url (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define a URL to post XML data to if no one on the phone list accepts the call. This data will include the phone_to_call along with the outcome of each attempt of the phone numbers on the list.
no_answer_phone (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define a phone number to do a blind transfer of the call to if no one on the phone list accepts the call.

Client Side Example Request URL with Public Key


This link will cause our system to use the key to both authenticate the request and determine which account information to access; make a call to telephone number +1.847.555.1212; and use the account holder's Find Me Smart Object number 261 in an attempt to connect that call.

Client Side Response (Text)

"Call Connected"