
Sample Code

Web Hooks

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Call Initiation API

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Administration API



Retrieve a recording performed by a SurVo Smart Form. You can select which format (wav or mp3) of the file prior to downloading.


access_key (required)
Your Access Key.
secret_access_key (required)
Your Secret Access Key.
format (required)
Audio format of stream. Values: wav, mp3.
survo_id (required)
Building Block ID of SurVo.
unique_id (required)
Respondent ID. This is a unique ID number for a specific caller on a SurVo.
question (required)
The question number of that SurVo. Values: 1,2,3...
sample_rate (optional)
Audio rate of the streaming data, given in Hz. Values: 8000 (default), 11000 (wav only), 22050, 44100.

Example URL


Example Response

The result will be an audio stream in the format you requested (MP3) and at the audio rate you requested (22.050 kHz). As a hint to PHP users, the function

curl_setopt($curlObject, CURLOPT_FILE, $aFilehandle);

will cause PHP to accept the stream from the remote source and place it into the file with handle $aFilehandle.

API Test Panel

NOTE: The API Test Panel can be used to try out the various API methods
using the actual data from your account. You must be logged
into your account to make any API calls using the test panel.



XML Result: