
Sample Code

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Call Initiation API

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Administration API



Order a new local or toll free phone number. You must have available slots in your account for each type of number you want to order.


access_key (required)
Your Access Key.
secret_access_key (required)
Your Secret Access Key.
quantity (required)
How many numbers of the given type you want to order. Max is 25 at a time.
type (required)
Valid values are "local" , "tollfree" or "true800".
  • - For toll free and True800 numbers you can not select any search criteria. We will provide the first available toll free numbers from our inventory.
  • - For local numbers the "search" parameter is required and must be either a 3 digit number to search by area code or a 6 digit number to search by area code + exchange (first 6 digits of a number). We will try to fill the quantity selected based on that search.
search (required)
Required for ordering local numbers. Must be either a 3 digit number to search by area code only or 6 digit number to search by area code + exchange.
fill_quantity (required)
Set this parameter to 1 if you only want to complete an order if we can meet the quantity selected. For example, if you want to order 20 numbers in the 312 area code but we only have 15 in our inventory we would pass back a failed response that would indicate we only had 15 available.
Set this parameter to 0 if you want to order as many numbers as we have in our inventory up to the quantity selected.

API Test Panel

NOTE: The API Test Panel can be used to try out the various API methods
using the actual data from your account. You must be logged
into your account to make any API calls using the test panel.



XML Result: