
Sample Code

Web Hooks

IVR Web Hook SurVo NetGet Custom Audio Prompts Post Call Action Agent Panel Lookup Distributor Form

Call Initiation API

Click-to-Call Click-to-Find Me Click-to-Find Me List Click-to-Virtual Receptionist Click-to-Voice Mail Click-to-SurVo Click-to-IVR Click-to-Agent

Administration API



Remove a number from your account.

USE WITH CAUTION! This cannot be undone. Make sure the number your are removing is not being used in any of your applications.


access_key (required)
Your Access Key.
secret_access_key (required)
Your Secret Access Key.
number (required)
The 10-digit phone number you want to remove from your account.

API Test Panel

NOTE: The API Test Panel can be used to try out the various API methods
using the actual data from your account. You must be logged
into your account to make any API calls using the test panel.



XML Result: