
Sample Code

Web Hooks

IVR Web Hook SurVo NetGet Custom Audio Prompts Post Call Action Agent Panel Lookup Distributor Form

Call Initiation API

Click-to-Call Click-to-Find Me Click-to-Find Me List Click-to-Virtual Receptionist Click-to-Voice Mail Click-to-SurVo Click-to-IVR Click-to-Agent

Administration API


Click-to-Find Me List

Initiate a call to a phone number and try to connect that call to specified list of phone numbers. If doing a reverse find me, will first try a list of phone numbers to connect with then upon success will initiate a call to a specific phone number.

key (required if not using access_key)
Value must be the Public key. Use 'key' if you need to make client side requests and only list numbers associated with your account.
access_key (required if not using public key)
The Access key to be used if you need the higher level of security provided with the Secret Access key validation, or if you list numbers not associated with your account. Requests with Access key must be done server side.
secret_access_key (required if using access_key)
The Secret Access key is used to validate the Access key.
app (required)
Value = ctfl
list (required)
List of phone numbers to try and connect caller the caller to. These must be associated with your account if you use the Public key.
phone_to_call (required)
Telephone number to call (the "caller").
screen_prompt (optional) (normal find me's only)
Message to play to caller. See Note, below.
type (optional)
Choose to do a regular find me or reverse find me. Values: 1 - Regular Find Me ; 2- Reverse Find Me (default is regular find me)
usr_findme_type (optional) (normal find me's only)
Specify type of Find Me. Values: 1 - Individual Find Me (default); 2 - Customer Service Hunt Group
loop_count (optional)
Number of times to go through the call list before triggering last action. Values: 1 - 5 (default is 1)
randomize (optional)
Specify if numbers should be randomized. Values: 0 - No (default); 1 - Yes
record (optional)
Record the call once connected. Values: 0 - No (default); 1 - Yes
use_screen (optional) (normal find me's only)
Option to screen caller for information. Values: 0 - No ; 1 - Yes (default)
dtmf_only (optional)
Force operator to use keypad to accept call. Values: 0 - No (default); 1 - Yes
holdmusic (optional) (normal find me's only)
Optional audio file to play while caller is waiting for operator to accept call. If none provided, default audio is used. Value: Name of audio file which must be in the users "holdme" directory.
holdrepeat (optional) (normal find me's only)
Custom hold audio looping settings. Values: 0 - Only once per Find Me session; 1 - Only once between each Find Me attempt; 2 - Repeat continuously between each Find Me attempt (default)
timeout (optional)
Number of seconds each number on Find Me list gets before timing out and moving to next number (or end action). Values: 10 - 60 (default 30)
whisper_phrase (optional)
Message whispered to operator. Only valid if not screening caller. Value: String length > 0
nextaction (optional) (normal find me's only)
See "Next Action Options" section below.
nextactionitem (optional) (normal find me's only)
See "Next Action Options" section below.
page (optional)
This can be used as a reference for what "page" the Click-to-Call was on. Can be a string of any value and shows up on the Smart Click-to-Call Activity report.
ref (optional)
This can be used as a reference for your own use. Can be a string of any value and shows up on the Smart Click-to-Call Activity report.
no_answer_email (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define an email address to send an email to if no one on the phone list accepts the call. This email will include the phone_to_call along with the outcome of each attempt to the phone numbers on the list.
no_answer_sms (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define a phone number to receive an SMS message if no one on the phone list accepts the call. The text will say that the call was unsuccessful along with the phone_to_call. You must have at least one phone number registered for SMS to utilize this feature.
no_answer_url (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define a URL to post XML data to if no one on the phone list accepts the call. This data will include the phone_to_call along with the outcome of each attempt of the phone numbers on the list.
no_answer_phone (optional) (reverse find me's only)
Define a phone number to do a blind transfer of the call to if no one on the phone list accepts the call.


The parameter "screen_prompt" lets you provide an announcement that will be read to the caller using text-to-speech. By default, the system will play a prompt asking for the caller to record his name; then it will play a tone and record. If you use screen_prompt to provide your own announcement, you should bear in mind that the call will play a beep and start recording, and that if the caller does not leave a name, the callee will get a "caller did not give name" message. You can change this default behavior by using the "use_screen" parameter.

Example URL

Unlike the example for the Click-to-Find Me web request, there's no pre-defined Smart Form for this particular set of actions -- no "id" parameter. Instead of configuring a list of numbers in advance inside a Click-to-Find Me Smart Form, you supply a list of telephone numbers along with the web request using the parameter "list."

Sample code for an ordinary Click-to-Find Me List web request:


This will result in a call to telephone number +1.847.555.1212. The Smart Form will use text-to-speech to speak the announcement given in "screen_prompt" and then attempt to connect that call to one of the numbers given in the parameter "list."

Next Action Options

You can use the parameter "nextaction" to customize how the Click-to-Find Me List works. Some of these customizations allow you to link to other Click-to Smart Forms, such as voice mail or a virtual receptionist. This ability to choose the next Smart Form gives you quite a bit of flexibility in a dynamic programming environment.

Customize Click-to-Find Me List Web Request

Values of "nextaction" and "nextactionitem" parameters

Custom Action nextaction Valuenextactionitem Value
(if required)
If unable to connect, telluser no one is available and disconnect (default). 1 (not required)
If unable to connect, transfer to Voice Mail.2Voice Mail ID
Automatically accept the call on the last number tried.3(not required)
If unable to connect, route to a Virtual Receptionist. 4 Virtual Receptionist ID
If unable to connect, route to a Find Me. 5 Find Me ID
If unable to connect, route to a SurVo. 6 SurVo ID
If unable to connect, route to an IVR. 6 IVR ID
Automatically accept call on last number tried without introduction. 7 (not required)

Client Side Example Request URL with Public Key


This is essentially the same as the previous web request, but we've customized it. If there are no answers, the caller is routed to a Voice Mail Smart Form, the one with Building Block ID 277. Also, The "timeout" parameter causes the call to wait for only 10 seconds for the callee to pick up a phone; if he does not, the phone tries the next number in the list.

Client Side Response (Text)

"Call Connected"