
Sample Code

Web Hooks

IVR Web Hook SurVo NetGet Custom Audio Prompts Post Call Action Agent Panel Lookup Distributor Form

Call Initiation API

Click-to-Call Click-to-Find Me Click-to-Find Me List Click-to-Virtual Receptionist Click-to-Voice Mail Click-to-SurVo Click-to-IVR Click-to-Agent

Administration API


Click-To Smart Forms

This section provides details on the "Click-to" Smart Forms. These Smart Forms provide you with access to a wide range of Ifbyphone's services, and can often be initiated by you, or by your customer, by clicking on a single link.

If you are not familiar with what a specific Smart Form does, consult the documentation on the web site, which provides detailed information.


To use these web service requests, you need to know:

  1. Server name: secure.ifbyphone.com. You can use GET or POST, and secure or non-secure (HTTPS or HTTP) service.
  2. URI: /click_to_xyz.php
  3. The "app" parameter. For example, "Click-to-Find" web service requests must set the "app" parameter to value "CTF."
  4. Your Public key. You can also pass your Access key and Secret Access key if you want to omit passing an Acct ID and Password (if applicable). Note that passing your Access keys should only be done on hidden & secured pages.
  5. The Building Block ID of the particular Smart Form you want to use.
  6. Parameters: Each service has a list of parameters. Click a service on the left to see it's parameters.


Responses from a "Click-to" Smart Form are generally strings of text:

  • "Call Connected." This is received immediately after the first leg of the call connects, regardless of whether the second call leg connects.
  • Error messages include:
    • "Missing Application Specification" if you forget to include the "app" parameter.
    • "The link you clicked to reach here was invalid" followed by more text if you leave off any of the required parameters or if they have incorrect values.
    • "Account needs to be verified" followed by more text if you make an error in your key.

In some instances, you may receive XML or HTML in response. For example, if you make a web service request to the wrong URL (e.g., you neglect to send it to click_to_xyz.php), you will get HTML in response because Ifbyphone's servers assume you tried to reach a web page.