
Sample Code

Web Hooks

IVR Web Hook SurVo NetGet Custom Audio Prompts Post Call Action Agent Panel Lookup Distributor Form

Call Initiation API

Click-to-Call Click-to-Find Me Click-to-Find Me List Click-to-Virtual Receptionist Click-to-Voice Mail Click-to-SurVo Click-to-IVR Click-to-Agent

Administration API


API Documentation Overview

The developer Web hooks and API are your gateway to integration and automation for phone calls using HTTP and XML. While logged in to your account portal there is a real time log viewer under "Developer Tools" that shows any web hook/api requests (and your web service response to those requests) in your account for the day. Listed below are descriptions of some of the most commonly used methods. Most methods will reference Building Block Ids which uniquely identify each instance of an application in your account (Virtual Receptionist, Find Me, IVR etc).

Web Hooks

Web hooks are configurable within your account and will require a web service url. Use any web language in your web service to "listen" for these GET or POST requests and take action.

The IVR Web Hook section explains how you can pass data from a phone call to your web server using our IVR technology. This allows you to capture data in real-time as a phone call progresses and control the flow of the call based on the caller's responses. The data can be stored in your own database, used to look up info in your database and then send back a simple XML formatted response to decide what happens next.

With the Post Call Action Web Hook you can send data to your web server as soon as a call is completed. This applies to every call going through your account. The data can include such things as the date and time of the call, call duration, caller ID, actions taken, SourceTrak data and more.

Some use cases may require the use of multiple web hooks depending on which applications are used. Each phone call has a unique Session Id (SID) and this value is available with each web hook. The SID can be used to combine data from multiple web hook requests.

Call Initiation API

The Call Initiation API makes it easy to set up voice broadcasts, conference calls, initiate phone calls between two parties and more.

Using the Call Initiation API on the left you can connect two callers directly or by using a Find Me, Virtual Receptionist, Voice-Mail or Survo/IVR.

For example, you can use the Click-to-IVR method to trigger an interactive call to an agent or customer, using the IVR application. These calls can be triggered on a one off basis or based on a schedule if they need to go out sometime in the future. If you need to schedule calls to a list of numbers, you can include a url with the request that points to a CSV on your web server.

Call Initiation API calls will require either your Public Key or Access Keys. These can be found/created by logging into your account and selecting Developer Tools -> Building Block IDs, then following the link to "Manage your Access Keys." While logged in, the documentation pages include a test panel where you can make real api calls without code during your initial testing.

Administration API

Using the Call Detail Report method within the Administration API you can pull call records in bulk for a date range as CSV or XML.

To automate the phone number ordering and aquisition process use the Purchase Add-ons, Numbers Search, and Numbers Order methods.

Once you have phone numbers in your account, they can be routed and configured using the Routing Configure and/or Routing Advanced methods.

To download call recordings, use the Recording Download method (Call Recording must be enabled). Simply pass in a Session Id for the call and download to your server as WAV or MP3. This method is commonly used in conjunction with a Post Call Action, as you can be assured the call has ended and the call recording is complete. You can grab the Session Id from the Post Call Action request and call this method to download the recording.

Administration API calls will require your Access Keys. These can be found/created by logging into your account and selecting Developer Tools -> Building Block IDs, then following the link to "Manage your Access Keys." While logged into your account the documentation pages include a test panel where you can make real api calls without code during your initial testing.