
Sample Code

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Call Initiation API

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Administration API



Schedule a conference call.


access_key (required)
Your Access Key.
secret_access_key (required)
Your Secret Access Key.
attendee_list (required)
A double bar-delimited list of bar-delimited attendees in these formats: 1112223333|Attendee Name|x@x.com OR 2223334444|Attendee Name, or a CSV file that is no more than 512KB with required "attendee_name" and "phone_number" columns plus optional "email_address" column. Possibilities for CSV can come from either an HTTP POST upload, or a fully-qualified HTTP(S)/FTP(S) URL.
scheduled_time (optional)
The scheduled start time for the conference (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ±ZZZZ), in 24-hour time with optional GMT offset (defaults to -0500) for proper time zone handling. Time will be rounded up to the nearest 5th minute. If not specified, or the scheduled time fails to match the above format exactly, the conference will execute immediately and begin calling each attendee.
conference_length (optional)
Length of the conference, in minutes, between 10 and 240, rounded, which will be up to the near 5th minute. If not specified, the default conference length is 30 minutes.
conference_name (optional)
Optional textual identifier for the conference.
pin (optional)
Optional 4-digit touch-tone PIN for delegating access to a conference.
inboundonly (optional)
If specified (value is irrelevant), the conference will be available for inbound calls beginning 5 minutes before its scheduled time, but attendees will not be called at the scheduled time.
invitations (optional)
If specified (value is irrelevant), all conference attendees with valid e-mail addresses will receive an e-mail invitation containing information about their participation.
desc (optional)
Description of the voice broadcast.

Example URL


Example Response




Successfully scheduled the Smart Conference with 2 out of 2 valid attendee(s)




Conference #17


<scheduled_time>2008-11-18 14:20:00 -0600</scheduled_time>









API Test Panel

NOTE: The API Test Panel can be used to try out the various API methods
using the actual data from your account. You must be logged
into your account to make any API calls using the test panel.



XML Result: